
Language is what connects us as humans, but effective communication can be difficult. There is a lot to know! I have spent the last two decades developing my professional communication skills as an editorial assistant, copy editor, production editor, publications coordinator, indexer, translation coordinator, managing editor, and project manager for a variety of publications and projects. I love what I do, and I want to help you develop your project and make it the best it can be.

I offer freelance services for academic, literary nonfiction, poetry, and fiction in the following areas:

  • copy editing
  • proofreading
  • audio proofing
  • line editing
  • photo research and permissions advising

I am always interested in expanding my horizons, so let’s discuss your specific project, and I’ll do my best to help you communicate your ideas effectively. I adhere to current editorial rates based on type of edit and complexity of the project, and I’m happy to provide a quote once we’ve chatted about your particular needs.

The first step to getting published is hiring an experienced editor! Let’s put my expertise to work for you.


[Kelly’s] professional approach to the task and sensitivity toward the subject has been paramount to the final publication of this book. Without her guidance, this story may never have been published.—Scott Henders, author of The Rawhide Homesteader

2 thoughts on “Services

  1. I so enjoyed the book The Rawhide Homesteader by Scott Henders. Where can I buy a copy of this book to give away for Christmas


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