Tag Archives: managing editor

Book Production

When SaskBooks asked me to contribute to their video blog for their 30th Anniversary back in 2019, I was excited to be asked to share my expertise, but I was also reluctant. I’m not a public speaker, nor do I pretend to be comfortable in the spotlight (that’s why I became an editor—to be a force for good behind the scenes!). But their team made the experience very comfortable, and I ended up having a lot of fun answering their questions about what it was like being a managing editor for University of Regina Press.

“I’m not a fan of multi-tasking.”

This is an oldie now (I look so young!), but I’m happy to have contributed something to the Saskatchewan publishing scene. Check out the short video here, and while you’re at it, see what other publishing professionals in Saskatchewan have to say on the SaskBooks YouTube channel too! Thanks for being a force for good, SaskBooks!

“I’m pretty old-school that way, I guess.”

“My advice for time management would be … get the quickest and easiest things off your plate first …and then you can focus on the bigger projects.”